MMA is a Yahoo!Group for mystery authors to share promotion ideas of any and every kind, and there’s no better place to find creativity and kindred spirits. I encourage you to join the group, even if you don’t write mysteries. Their discussions and suggestions apply to all writers, including (and maybe especially) self-published authors. Don’t waste a moment joining the group. It is a moderated forum, and each comment must pass muster by the list owner, so no worries about any wild and off-topic discussions. This is about marketing your book, and that’s what you’ll read about. But you’ll also meet a great group of people. Kudos to award-winning writer, Jeffrey Marks, for starting the group twelve years ago. Tell them Dani at Blog Book Tours sent you over when you join!
Thanks for the shout-out for MMA. It is a great group and I have been a member there almost since the beginning. All who belong are so free with good tips and advice.
Another crazy html test.
Blog Book Tours
Thanks for the info! I'll definitely have to check it out.
You must be the Good Fairy traveling around blogland, distributing good advice and lovely gifts. Happy to meet you.
MMA sounds fun. I've never written mystery, but that sounds fun to me too!
MMA must be a good group if it has survived for 12 years. All my writing is a mystery to me.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
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