Dani: Hi Roberta and Susan. Roberta, you just completed your second blog book tour for Asking For Murder, third in the Advice Column mystery series. How did it go this time, now that you’re a seasoned pro?

Dani: You hired a professional service your first tour and organized this one yourself. How did your workload differ in each scenario?
Roberta: There are three kinds of work involved, not counting spiffing up your own website/blog before this all begins. First would be locating hosts and signing them on to the tour. Second would be writing the posts for each tour stop. And third would be attending each day’s stop and chatting with your visitors. For a hired tour, many of the stops are standard to a number of touring authors, and therefore, less specific to you and your books. So it was definitely more work organizing my own tour. On the other hand, the stops were better tailored to my specific marketing needs.
As far as writing posts, I probably put an equal amount of work into both tours. There’s simply no point in turning in a shoddy essay if your goal is to have visitors become intrigued enough with your writing to buy books! And the same with visiting sites on the days they host you: You must plan to stop in several times daily and respond to comments. You want to be a cheerful, interesting presence—Iike you would at a dinner party, only in this case you can wear pajamas!
Dani: How did you connect with the host blogs on each tour, and did that determine what kinds of posts appeared?
Roberta: My book, ASKING FOR MURDER, is the third in a mystery

Dani: Just for fun, what were your favorite stops on each book tour?
Roberta: My husband was a star on both tours. He’s funny and good-natured and I think it gave people a break from my voice to have him do an interview. The post on White On Rice Couple is hysterical, because they took the idea I sent (disastrous dinner parties) and ran with it. You must go look at the pictures of the gigantic lopsided cupcake. Although this might sound a little far from selling mysteries, the topic allowed me to post an excerpt about my character’s dinner party from hell in Asking for Murder …and hear a lot of funny stories about other people’s disasters.
Dani: And one of their readers commented that they bought your book! Those are the best comments. Now, what do you think you’d do differently on your next blog tour?
Roberta: I was not good with statistics. (Advice—don’t go on vacation right before your tour starts—things slip through the cracks!) If I’d had more time, I should have checked in with the hosts to be sure the comments feature was working. We had a couple of snafus with that. And some hosts were better at promoting the appearance than others—I’d offer suggestions to all the blogsters at the beginning.
Well-known authors will have a different experience with a blog tour than those just starting out. Susan’s books are very popular and her herbal/gardening niche is very well defined. This allows her to be quite selective when choosing hosts—something we all aspire to! Next time I would start even earlier choosing possible hosts, so I could take advantage of the best traffic. One more thing—there were people I approached who didn’t wish to be part of the tour, but they will post a review or an interview in their own time. Just saying, sometimes it helps to shoot high.

Then I put out the word on the Internet that I’m looking for hosts, and hope that the invitation will land in the right laps. If not, I go out and invite bloggers to “apply,” (I keep a list of people who mention my work on their blogs, and of course, a roll of blogs that are important in my areas of interest.) I schedule the tour. Peggy posts a calendar page (this is important, because it gives people an idea of the thematic “threads” that are involved).
I send out the blog posts to the hosts a couple of weeks ahead of time, asking them to pre-post, if possible. Peggy checks the posts to make sure they work right. Sometimes they don’t, which requires “adjustments.”
I promote the tour by directing readers to the calendar page, which is the “gateway” to the tour. Also, I offer a book prize at each blog stop. Peggy sets up the drawing pages--one page for each tour stop. She random-generates the winners and emails them to get name/address for mailing the prize book.
Now that the invitation/application page, the calendar page, and the drawing pages are done, they can be reused for the next tour, which will cut down my work substantially. Still, this project takes a lot of time and effort. Authors shouldn’t undertake a blog tour if they think it is “easy.”
Dani: One of the things I try to impress on authors planning tours is the importance of blog statistics, your own as well as tour hosts. Susan, I know you have clear opinions about this aspect of a tour. Roberta, how do your stats compare between the pro tour and your own?
Susan: Since I can’t see the blog stats (the host blogger reports her/his stats to me), I track the entries to the prize drawings, which serves as my own statistic. It should be smaller than the blog hit number (some people don’t bother to enter), but at least, it’s consistent. Also, I track the daily hits to the calendar page, since I use it as the “gateway” to the tour.
Roberta: I don’t really have numbers to answer your questions. But many more comments were made on the sites this time around—I imagine this has some correlation to traffic. (Again, listen to your blog mom and ask your hosts to give you numbers before and after!)
Dani: We know the most important statistics are book sales, because that’s what the publishers are most concerned about. Can you both comment on the effectiveness of the blog tours on your sales? Roberta, which of your tours do you think was most effective in that aspect?
Roberta: The only way I have to track sales right now is to haunt Amazon. And of course we’ve all been told that Amazon ranks account for only a small number of sales. That said, the numbers seem better this time. I did send an email out to my mailing list at the beginning of the tour, which coincided with the book’s release date. The biggest surge came then. I sent another email out when I’d had a TV appearance and could offer a peek at the clip. Surge in blog visits. So you see it’s very hard to separate cause and effect when you’re doing many things to promote a book.
Susan: I’ve said this before, but it bears saying again. Unless you are directing purchasers to one single web page for book purchases, it is very hard to separate out the effects of the blog tour on sales from all the other things you are (or should be!) doing to promote your book. Of course, you can check Amazon or Barnes/Noble ranking, but that’s not going to give you much hard data. Also: since I leave my calendar page online and occasionally direct people to a particular post or a group of posts, people continue to read the posts. So book sales from those posts may continue over a long time. It’s very hard to track results from that kind of “delayed” advertising.
Dani: Would you do it again? Any idea of changes you might make to make it easier?
Susan: Yes, I’ll do it again, in March-April 2009. I’ll look for different hosts, improve communications with them, and expand my promotion efforts. I’ll also come up with different post topics. My theory: every little bit helps.
Roberta: What she said (grin). Except I have to write another book first—I’m looking forward to having the time and energy to do that! A million thanks to you Dani for your enthusiasm and support!
Dani: I think the October theme at the Blog Book Tours Yahoo!Group better be working with statistics – at least the ones that are available! Susan is right when she says you can't track exact sales, although this works best with non-fiction and purchase links at each stop that lead directly to a publisher site. I know of one author who had to go into reprint halfway through his blog tour. But other statistics can give strong clues if we use them, like the reports from each of the hit counters. More authors are starting to add widgets like sitemeter and statcounter, but the reports often aren't read and understood. Guess we'll tackle that subject next.
You may purchase Asking for Murder by clicking here.
If you have a question for Roberta, be sure to leave it in the comments.
Thanks for this great advice. I'm planning my own tour soon, and I'll certainly use what I've learned from Susan's and Roberta's experiences.
Glad to help Lillie! Lillie was very faithful at following my tour, as were Dani, Helen Ginger, Maryann Miller, and a few others. Those comments are huge help--make the blog post look as though it's buzzing. And soon enough it will be!
This was an excellent summary/interview. I stopped in a few times during the tour and was impressed every time. Roberta's informative posts as well as her active participation in the comments which turned into another Q&A discussion in itself. I'll be saving the permalink to this one. Planning a tour of my own in December and there is lots of good advice here to keep in mind.
Thanks, Dani, Roberta and Susan!
Blogs at Free Spirit: http://inspiritandtruths.blogspot.com/
Eye Twitter 2 - http://twitter.com/Paize_Fiddler
Really informative post! Thank you Roberta, Susan and Dani.
I've had the honor of hosting both Roberta and Susan on their blog tours. One thing I've noticed that they both have in common is they really vary their posts at each stop. They tailor it to the host and the readers of that blog. Not only does that draw in readers to each stop, it encourages them to follow the tour because they learn something new at each stop.
I know that's a lot of work for the writer. Maybe if you don't follow the author's tour, you don't think about how much time it takes to write all the different posts (and comment and arrange giveaways and...), but I thought I'd mention that those of us who host do know and do appreciate the work that goes on behind the Oz curtain.
And you were an amazing host, Helen. And I'm sorry I forgot to mention Marvin:)...
And here's one easy tip: the link to your precise post on the host's blog can be identified by clicking on your title. Then you can send people to YOUR post, rather than the general blog.
Thanks for the great advice Roberta and Susan. I picked up some tips that will help me for my next tour. The one I am doing now was arranged by Pump Up Your Books and they did a great job. But I did notice that some of the stops had the same material and the same lead in. I got tired of it myself. :-) The content I provided, like today's interview with my central character, and a post coming later this week from Reading Frenzy were different, but several sites just posted my synopsis and bio.
Great advice! And I enjoyed the format--getting insight into two blog tours for the price of one. What a bargain!
It seems to me what authors really need is a virtual assistant who can help with the actual nuts & bolts of organizing the tour. The admin work of contacting hosting, typesetting the blog posts, sending photos, follow-up, gathering stats. Right? Wouldn't that free up the author's time a lot? Couldn't you use the money you pay a pro service and pay someone to help you design the tour you really want? Someone you could really direct.... ? Just asking.
Roberta-Just wanted to say that I enjoyed being a "groupie" on your blog tour! Wonderful essays on a variety of topics! And ASKING FOR MURDER did not disappoint, so I hope that everybody picks it up-John
And notice that I have a link to amazon.com at the end? A must for all your blog hosts, and it doesn't hurt for them to include the tour schedule at the end of every post also. Can't say it often enough, how important that linking habit is.
Roberta, where are the Jungle Red compatriots... must train your pals!
Sounds like a lot of planning,but wealth worth the effort.
Morgan Mandel
"Wealth worth the effort" is a great motto, Morgan! Hehe.
Roberta was kind enough to talk me through some of her blog strategy on the phone -- but this is terrific. I'm printing it all out at this very moment and pinning it to my bulletin board. Thanks to Roberta and Susan for sharing this great advice -- and Dani for hosting this discussion.
Note that there are several other interviews about the blog book tour process in the right column. More information than a college course on the subject! And you can probably use what's at http://quickest.blogbooktourguide.ever.com to help the planning process, too. There are links to several very good blog book tours as well, and following them will give you good examples of how to build each of your tour stops.
Happy touring and thanks again, Roberta and Susan.
VERY informative post. Am going to mention it to a couple of others.
"It seems to me what authors really need is a virtual assistant who can help with the actual nuts & bolts of organizing the tour. "
This made me giggle..I love how you are an terrific, endless reserve of good ideas.
Wouldn't that be a great gig for a young, enterprising writer in college? They'd learn the basics of the industry, make contacts...all for just a few hours every week. I keep thinking of a PR-type internship, for credit or not...I think there's some real possibility!
Roberta, Susan and Dani--
What a wonderful post! You all are amazing..and so generous to share. I'm grateful for the benefit of your combined experience and experiences!
What a fabulous tour! Thank you for allowing us newbies to participate in such a wonderful event. Dani and Roberta, all of your guidance and advice along the way made it so much more enjoyable for us as hosts.
We're thankful to have be part of this great community of book lovers and writers!
Diane & Todd
Looking forward to the book tour, and everyone else must understand I just found the ON switch to my computer last week. Wishing each and all great success with the Book Tour and hope to learn how to do it.
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